Owning the Future: Power and Property in an age of Crisis

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Owning the Future: Power and Property in an age of Crisis


Only by reimagining how our economy is owned and by whom can we address the crises of our time.

Building from this insight, the authors argue the systemic change we need hinges on a new era of democratic ownership: a reinvention of the firm as a vehicle for collective endeavour and meeting social needs. Against the new oligarchy of the platform giants, a digital commons that uses our data for collective good, not private profit. In place of environmental devastation, a new agenda of decommodification – of both nature and needs – with a Green New Deal and collective stewardship of the planet’s natural wealth. Together, these proposals offer a road map to owning the future, and building a better world.  

by Mathew Lawrence and Adrienne Buller

Hardback, 224 pages

Dimensions : ‎ 13.46 x 1.78 x 20.32 cm

Owning the Future: Power and Property in an age of Crisis
